Human Performance Scenarios for Airport Traffic Control Towers: Class D Airspace and Visual Flight Rules
Human Performance Scenarios were developed to better understand the duties and information needs of the ATCT controller in Class D airspace. Due to the variability of ATCT equipage levels, scenarios were developed to be a representation of an ATCT in Class D airspace with visual flight rule (VFR) capabilities. While controllers can gain information from other sources, the Human Performance Scenarios aim to understand the visual information needs controllers obtain from the ATCT OTW view and to assist in answering the seemingly simple questions of:
What do controllers need to see?
When do controllers need to see it?
Where do controllers need to see?
How well do controllers need to see the stimuli?
The Human Performance Scenarios and associated materials can be accessed below:
Introductions to Human Performance Scenarios
Local Control Nominal Scenarios
Ground Control Nominal Scenarios
Local Control Operational Scenarios
Ground Control Operational Scenarios
The scenarios above were developed using the Visual Job Analysis, which can be found at
The V-JA was grouped into ATC Services.